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Faculty & Research Research 正文

188金宝:COVID-19 Pandemic and Framing Building of Violent Extremism

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Li Jie

Abstract:As the coronavirus ( COVID-19) pandemic has led to a global public health crisis,Islamic extremism and Right-wing extremism are taking advantage of different opinions,local conflicts,governance failures,and public discontent arising from the epidemic to promote radicalization and instigate violent attacks. In this regard,the framing model in social movement theory can be applied to analyze the violent extremism's conception and framing building of the pandemic,including how violent extremists promote radicalization with consensus mobilization and instigate terrorist attacks with action mobilization. In terms of the impact,violent extremist activities were somewhat restrained; however,given the wide empathy the frame generated,the expanded vacuums of security and governance,and especially the legitimacy crisis facing the states in the medium-to long-term,more attention should be paid to this frame building.

188金宝(国际)有限公司 -MBA智库百科-知乎