



Lanzhou University


Faculty & Research Research 正文

188金宝:Universal Basic Income: Policy Choice in Response to Challenges from Artificial Intelligence

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XIAO Han & GE Wei

(School of Politics and International Relations, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China)

Abstract:The challenge of artificial intelligence technology to the human society is extensive and profound. The traditional paid work is shrinking dramatically, and the significance of work and social stability are seriously impacted. The corresponding social security policies have not kept pace with the times, posing significant risks for mankind. Universal Basic Income, as a regular, common, unconditional and personal cash transfer policy, provides basic living guarantee for all citizens through wealth sharing, lays a material foundation for social reconciliation and stability, challenges the limited understanding of the meaning of work in modern industrial society, and injects more freedom, equality and justice into the future society. Therefore, it can become a policy option in response to the challenges from artificial intelligence.

Key Words:Artificial Intelligence; the Universal Basic Income policy; job; social stability; conception

188金宝(国际)有限公司 -MBA智库百科-知乎